How to harvest Cinnamon

Have you ever wondered how Ceylon cinnamon is grown, harvested and finally arrives in you kitchen shelve?

Well with following photos and our new YouTube-video,  i want to take you the illusion that cinnamon can be picked like a fruit.
 Its all hand work, and also there is a huge difference in quality, grade and variety.
Please check out the blog post here, if you wish to know further details! 

Early morning at 6 am the harvest starts, first the outer bark is scraped off
cinnamon harvest
After the inner bark is removed  (the actual cinnamon)
cinnamon harvest
Then pieces of cinnamon are layered and filled 
cinnamon harvest
So they end up looking a bit like a cigar when watching the diameter
cinnamon harvest
Every day these long quills are pressed tighter
And dried on strings under the roof 

cinnamon harvest, amuura, ceylon cinnamon
Packed for bulk sell
into 40-70kg rolls
cinnamon harvest, amuura. ceylon cinnamon
or for you to be shipped

And watch the video for more details :)


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